Inna T.

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Berlin, Berlin, Germany

Letzte Aktivität: vor weniger als 10 Tagen
Letzte Aktivität: vor weniger als 10 Tagen

Über Inna T.

26 Jahre alt | Remote - Billing | Als Paar/Duo

Hello! First and foremost we wish you safe travels on your next journey and would like to extend our services your way. We are new too Nomador however have been using the Trusted House Sitters app for quite some time.
Please feel free to check out our profile -

We are Inna from California and Max from Berlin with a passion for travel + exploration, trying new foods, visiting libraries + coffee shops, botanical gardens and museums. Using resources like this website has immersed us in beautiful communities locally and abroad, meeting and caring for critters big and small. We both grew up caring for house pets within our families and as we cannot have our own yet we would love to accompany yours :) With a love for the outdoors we are ready for an adventure as well as enjoying an evening indoors depending on the preferred lifestyle of your pet. With remote work we are quick to plan a trip and head out to see more of what the world has to offer. about three years during college Inna worked with a dog walking app where she was entrusted to enter homes and take care/walk dogs big and small. Max and Inna have both grown up in rural areas where grandparents had an assortment of interesting animals. We are considerate of the housesitting space and treat the home the way we would want our own taken care of as we understand that communication, security, and safety of the pets is of upmost importance. We are quick to respond and love to send daily updates to owners. Comfortable with all tasks from providing medications to specifics that pertain to each animal and their lifestyle.

Since the experience with WAG in San Francisco; patience, awareness, and learning the traits and quirks in every animal has been important in predicting behaviors and creating connections. Inna was able to explore every corner of the city on her walks working for WAG, chill on comfortable couches with cats, and admire the way owner set up habitats for animals such as birds and fish, we are comfortable tending to any sort of animal and plant. Housesitting has given us a more personal perspective of different regions and has brought us to places we have never thought we would visit - so far our fondest memories traveling have included a furry friend that’s with us along for the ride.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Max, 26 Jahre alt, Property Management, Ehepartner / Partner

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