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Basel, Basel-Stadt, Switzerland

Letzte Aktivität: vor mehr als 6 Monaten
Letzte Aktivität: vor mehr als 6 Monaten

Über Aline

40 Jahre alt | E-Commerce Manager & Graphic Designer | Allein

Hi, my name is Aline (39) and I have been nomadic for the past 8 months, traveling through Portugal and Catalunya and working remotely part time. I am originally Swiss but lived in the UK for 2 years before becoming a temporary 'digital nomad'. I am currently looking for a winter base (January/February 2024) where I can stay for at least 2-3 weeks per house sit and focus on my studies. Ideally in South of Europe where the sun is more present :) I love animals and I am very good with cats and small to medium sized dogs (although I have more cat sit experiences and so far none with dogs). I consider myself as an open, flexible, easy going, reliable and responsible person. I am a careful house sitter and like to keep things tidy and clean (I have no experience yet through official house sitting platforms, but have done a lot of house sittings from friends or acquaintances). I speak German and English fluently and can communicate well enough in French (I lived in Montpellier for 6 months when I was a teenager).

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Deutsch | Englisch | Französisch

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