María D.

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Madrid, Community of Madrid, Spain

Letzte Aktivität: vor 3 Monaten

Über María D.

31 Jahre alt | teacher | Allein

Hi all, I'm María.
I'm from Madrid, I teach ESL and German remotely and currently I'm getting around to visit Italy, a long time dream trip.
I love nature and photography and animals are my weak spot. I had a lovely goofy boxer dog companion (rescue), currently have shared custody of a mischievous but charming calico kitty and I'm taking care of the sweetest Spaniel Breton atm.
I'm the person my friends go to when they need their pets taken care of while they're away, so often my apartment has doubled as pet daycare.
I've also taken care of pets of friends and family in their own homes and, since I understand it is a big deal to allow someone to live in your house with your pets when you're away, I make an effort to make it confortable for everybody. I always stay mindful and respectful of the spaces.
I can handle different energy level pups and cats and have experience with medication management. I am also respectful with other people's spaces and like to keep things tidy and neat.

I'll gladly also gift a pretty portrait of your pet :) open for questions!

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Französisch | Spanisch | Deutsch

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