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Peoria, Illinois, United States

Letzte Aktivität: vor 2 Wochen

Über Sarah

55 Jahre alt | University Professor | Als Paar/Duo

We have our own house, garden, and senior cat so we truly understand the importance of careful care. We've been on your side too, using house and pet sitters ourselves. Having traveled and lived in different parts of the world, we're comfortable in different spaces and places and we will respect your home and love your pets as if they were ours. Sarah has lived and worked in France and the UK and is always eager to return. Sometimes Sarah will be traveling solo: we will be sure to let you know if this is the case

Mark is a graphic designer (working remotely) and artist. Sarah is an art history professor, and university administrator. We both work full-time but are moving towards retirement, and now that our son is attending university we would like to travel more. We spend as much time as possible cycling, gardening and going on nice long walks. We both are very involved with the visual arts and our local art community.

We have happily lived with and looked after many our own, our friend's and our family’s pets. These range from big dogs like Great Danes and German Shepherds to talkative parrots (plus one cheeky African Grey), hedgehogs, hamsters, and fish. We currently live with our dear rescue cat who has ruled our home for over 16 years.

Mark's childhood was filled with caring for animals: from homing pigeons to turtles. For Sarah, pet-sitting was her first job (at the age of 12), and she continued through graduate school while also housesitting.

We understand that leaving your pets can be stressful for you and them, so our focus is on giving them plenty of love. We love cuddlers: our own cat will only "cuddle" by carefully leaning his backside or one paw against us...see photos for a demonstration! We look forward to returning from housesitting covered with fur and licks.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Mark, 63 Jahre alt, Graphic Designer, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Französisch

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