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Burghausen, Bayern, Germany

Letzte Aktivität: vor 3 Monaten

Über Bettina.H

41 Jahre alt | Ehemals Umweltingenieurin, heute Journalistin & Unternehmerin | Als Paar/Duo

We are 42 & 40 years old and originally from Germany. In 2011 we quitted our jobs, sold everything and set off to an adventure of our lifetime – a motorcycle journey around the world.
What we didn't expect: what started out as a great motorcycle adventure became our profession during our trip. Helmut is originally a mechatronics & mechanical engineer with many years of practical manual experience. I have a degree in environmental engineering. But during our journey our passion for photography & journalism grew. Since then, we have been writing for national & international magazines and published our first book with National Geographic in 2023. We also run a website & online shop with products related to motorcycling & travelling. Our freelance work gives us the opportunity to work from anywhere and combine work & travel.
If you want to know more about us, please feel free to visit our website where you will find loads of information, pictures & videos about us and our travels. :-)

We both grew up with animals and we love them, especially dogs. We would also like to have a dog on our own, but right now it´s not the time yet, as a dog wouldn’t fit to our current way of life.
Therefore, Housesitting is a great opportunity for us to combine our love for travelling, our remote work and our longing to have animals around us.
We also really enjoy some kind of daily routine & the tasks, that come with a house/flat (like watering plants, take care of the garden, etc.), as it´s a great change to our travelling life! :-)

For that reason, housesitting is a great win-win-situation for you as the house & pet owner and for us. That´s WHY we would love to do housesitting. :-)

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Helmut, 43 Jahre alt, Ehemals Mechatroniker & Maschinenbautechniker, heute Fotograf, Autor & Unternehmer, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Deutsch | Englisch

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