Jill S.

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Berlin, Berlin, Germany

Letzte Aktivität: vor mehr als 6 Monaten
Letzte Aktivität: vor mehr als 6 Monaten

Über Jill S.

32 Jahre alt | education and sports | Als Paar/Duo

flexible dates: 23.02.-17.03.2024 (2 weeks max)

We are a team of three friends in our early 30s, hailing from Berlin and all working remotely. We love swapping our city life in Berlin for the tranquility of the countryside and the company of furry friends. Our work situation allows us to do this 2-3 times a year. Our housesitting experience so far has involved caring for animals of all kinds, including those on agricultural properties. However, we have a special fondness for dogs and cats.

Let us introduce ourselves:
Jill: Jill is our dog expert. She lived with her Tibetan Terrier for 14 years and taught her many tricks. In her free time, Jill takes care of foster dogs, takes them on long walks, and even goes jogging with dogs who are up for it.

Judith: Judith is a country girl who studied agriculture. She has cared for various agricultural properties both domestically and internationally and understands the needs and responsible handling of domestic and farm animals. She also enjoys nurturing stray cats and is a reliable foster home for the Berlin Animal Shelter.

Toni: Toni's heart beats for the care of sheep and goats. She has a special connection with donkeys as well. Additionally, she is our little cleaning fairy. We all maintain tidy households, but Toni surpasses us all in her passion for vacuuming and keeping surfaces clean.

As city dwellers from Berlin, we enjoy taking advantage of the cultural offerings of our city, such as going to the theater or visiting exhibitions. However, we equally yearn for nature and the companionship of animals. Since Berlin winters can be quite gray and cold, we would love to spend part of the winter in sunny southern Europe while also taking care of your home and pets.

We are reliable and responsible. When we take care of your home, we treat it as if it were our own. If you're looking for friendly and experienced housesitters to safeguard your home and keep your furry friends happy, then you've come to the right place!

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Antonia, 33 Jahre alt, political research, Freund
Judith, 31 Jahre alt, animal geneticist, Freund

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Deutsch | Englisch

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