Kevin B.

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Christchurch, Canterbury, New Zealand

Letzte Aktivität: vor 3 Monaten

Über Kevin B.

67 Jahre alt | Retired | Allein

I'm a semi-retired translator/editor with experience in a wide variety of other jobs. I have at various times owned my own home, including a 2 acre rural property, so I'm experienced in caring for and maintaining a house and garden. I'm from New Zealand, and coming from a relatively isolated island nation I've always liked to travel. My preference is to travel slowly and to get to know the local culture and cuisine, and I think that house sitting is ideal way to do so.

I have had various pets over the years, and have provided pet/house sitting many times here in New Zealand and also in Europe. I have also had experience in providing basic care for larger farm animals such as horses, cows and sheep. Caring for pets is very satisfying for me, no two animals are the same and it's enjoyable to get to know them. Having a walking companion is also a bonus!

Light duties around the home such as lawn mowing or garden watering are ok for me. When I'm house sitting I tend to spend most of my time at home, apart from walks in the local area. I am happy to meet any special needs of your pet, and aim to provide care and companionship with as little disruption to their daily routine as possible. I realise the importance of keeping owners informed about the wellbeing of their pets, and am happy to provide regular updates, pictures etc.

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Deutsch

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