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Bad Reichenhall, Bavaria, Germany

Letzte Aktivität: vor weniger als 10 Tagen
Letzte Aktivität: vor weniger als 10 Tagen

Über Sandra

54 Jahre alt | Writer & Former Lodge Manager | Allein

Hello, Bonjour & Buenas dias!

I’m a nature and peace-loving woman in my early fifties and enjoy locations with some proximity to nature a lot and enjoy exploring new areas.

As a writer and internet entrepreneur, I work remote from the laptop. Therefore, I'm also quite flexible time-wise.

In the past I managed a jungle lodge in Belize and I also worked in HR and training. So, if you need a hand with your B&B, someone to welcome your guests, let's talk.

I love sports and meditate regularly. Cooking spicy food is another passion.
Apart from my experience as a lodge manager, I have been house sitting a villa on the island of Mauritius, 2 houses in Spain and a B&B in Germany.

While I love cats, I have more personal experience with dogs and horses.
I grew up with a lovely German shepherd, and this stuck with me. But though I'm often among my friends' dogs, I miss taking care of one myself and enjoying walks together.

I speak English, German, some Spanish and I’ve now started learning Portuguese. I do understand a little French, but am far from being fluent, unfortunately.

Fond of healthy and spicy cooking, I take a holistic approach to life and health and enjoy growing my repertoire on this when visiting new places.

I'm happy to provide you with my resume, references and my Linkedin profile after an initial contact. Drop me a line and let's see if we're a caring-match.

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Französisch | Spanisch | Deutsch

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