Diego M.

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Santiago Metropolitan Region, Chile

Letzte Aktivität: vor weniger als 10 Tagen
Letzte Aktivität: vor weniger als 10 Tagen

Über Diego M.

23 Jahre alt | Musician | Allein

Hello! I'm Diego Marín, a 21-year-old musician and singer from Chile. I'm passionate about music and love sharing my art with the world. I would describe myself as a friendly, creative, and dedicated person. I enjoy connecting with new people and exploring different cultures…

I love traveling and experiencing new adventures. Music lover and F.R.I.E.N.D.S big fan :)

I grew up on a very small town in Chile; surrounded by animals everywhere since 5 years old and that’s why I have a deep connection with animals and enjoy taking care of them whenever I have the opportunity.

21 years old, 4 siblings and a lovely Golden Retriever…

This 2024 I will be traveling around Canada from March To September so I would love to to do house sitting for many reasons but the most important is to be in touch with the natives, beautiful animals, nature, places, and experience the country how it should be…

I have a degree in Computer Science, I started working in many fields since my 18s; a lot of experience with animals, first aid knowledge, so with me you’re in very good hands.

As a house sitter I will be in touch with you 24/7 and I’ll follow with responsibility all your inquiries and instructions. If you need anything I’ll be happy to do it.

I'm excited about the opportunities that the future holds for me and eager to continue growing as an artist and as a person. I hope to have the chance to meet you and share experiences together!

You can contact here
WhatsApp: + 56 9 5321 4842
Mail: [email protected]

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch

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