Kerry F.

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Victoria, Australia

Letzte Aktivität: vor 3 Monaten

Über Kerry F.

67 Jahre alt | Conciliator | Allein

I'm Australian and am currently having a break from work, after a torrid few years. I have always lived in the country and for the past 30 years have lived on my current farm, where I have bred and raised horses, deer and cattle. Over the years I have also had birds and other assorted animals including, at one stage, emu.

I have also always been so lucky to have had come marvellous dogs as friends and companions, mostly cattle dogs such as kelpies and heelers, but also Anatolian Shepherds. Most of my dogs have been rescued. In fact, I've never been without a dog, and Rusty, my cattle dog is my best friend. I have always had cats as well, most of these moving into the house from the paddocks at various times. Both my dogs and cats sleep inside, together most of the time, and my dog is with me all of the time in summer, as snakes are prevalent in the area, and he loves to sniff in the grass.

Living in a rural area, I also often come across injured wildlife, including kangaroos and birds, and am experienced in basic first aid, keeping the animal or bird comfortable and quiet until I can get it to a wildlife rescue expert.

I am capable and do most of my own general maintenance on the farm, including keeping the water pump and generator operational, and the fences in order, I also maintain the pool. I am comfortable on my own, and can usually sort out any problems that arise.

I have current Australian Government Working with Children Certification. To obtain this the Federal Government carries out a background check to verify that one is trustworthy and has no prior offences. I have also worked with several State and Federal Government departments, all of which have carried out police checks prior to employment.

This is my first venture into house sitting. I love to travel, when I am satisfied that I have someone reliable to care for my animals and friends, and most enjoy being part of a community. However, I miss my animals when I am away, so would love to be able to spend time with yours.

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Französisch | Spanisch

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