Daniela S.

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Frauenfeld, Thurgau, Switzerland

Letzte Aktivität: vor 3 Monaten

Über Daniela S.

67 Jahre alt | Tanz-Bewegungspädagogin, Therapeutin | Allein

I am an active woman in terms of teaching movement, therapy for the body and mind also buddhistic healing yoga Lu Jong and other forms. I am used to work in the garden, organic vegetables and flowers, I love animals and had my dog for 18 years as well as two cats one of 15 and one of 6 years. I have a lot of experiences in woofing ( farmworking) as well as housekeeping. I love to welcome guests and every month I cook at my home for 7 people, meeting and connecting each other since many years. My jobs have been wide spread from marketing over own company in medical software development, coaching and sales training in companies and also organistation in a theater. the last and best has been therapeutic movements in the psychiatry working ony with men in the forensic. I know horse riding, and love to be with animals. Many experiences I did with couchsurfers all over the world being my guests you can also see my references on request. Languages are french, english and italian, spanish stil learning further on. As I am mostly travelling on my own I would like to look after your house and pets and you can be sure, it will be absolutely perfect when you come home:). my best regards

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Deutsch | Englisch | Französisch | Spanisch

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