Yvette K.

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Hillegom, South Holland, Netherlands

Letzte Aktivität: vor einem Monat

Über Yvette K.

21 Jahre alt | museum worker | Allein

Hi! I’m Yvette, a 21 year old girl who loves art, nature, books and fashion. I’ve grown up with animals all around me and I’m lucky to still have a cat at home and horses at my dad’s. But we have also had a dog, bird and Guinea pigs!
I work at a museum and also give art classes for the museum to kids. My motto: kids are the best lookers and artists. And, one of my passions is photography. Besides that I love to read and play the piano. Just listing to music gives me energy!

I starting sitting on pets in the family a few years ago. Two years ago I also started sitting on houses and pets of acquaintances around my area. I have one house with the dearest cat that I sit on every few months because the owner's go to their second house every other month.
Then I thought, why not also do it abroad. So, that's when I came across Nomador. I love to travel, explore new countries, cities and people. So, to combine that with my love for animals sounds like music to my ears!

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