Linsey M.

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Chatham, New Jersey, United States

Letzte Aktivität: vor 3 Monaten

Über Linsey M.

35 Jahre alt | Entrepreneur | Als Paar/Duo


We are Linsey & Nick, two entrepreneurs that love animals, travel and housesitting. We are originally from New Jersey, grew up playing a lot of sports and to this day are very active. Linsey graduated from Georgetown University and Nick from Lehigh University, both with degrees in finance. After some time working on Wall Street and corporate development, we left the industry to travel, teach english abroad and ultimately ended up starting our own travel website.

We love house/pet sitting to explore different areas of the country and get a feel for what it is truly like to live there. Because we travel so frequently, we don't have any pets of our own so we just love caring/connecting with others.

When we are not working, we love reading a good book, going hiking, taking a long run, gardening, practicing yoga or just hanging out on the porch/deck/balcony. If you have an energetic dog that needs several walks a day, we're your people!

We are also very clean and would be sure to keep your home in spotless condition while you were away. We treat every home we stay in as if it was our own, and it's always nice to see the relief on owners' faces when they arrive back to their home and find it spotless.

We can take pictures to keep you updated while you're away, so your trip never has to be worrisome and you can rest at ease knowing that your home and/or pet(s) are being well taken care of :)

We are very caring, responsible, loving individuals who would be sure to give your pet(s) and plants all the attention they need to be happy and healthy.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Nicholas, 36 Jahre alt, Entrepreneur, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)

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