Dale & franca

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Alberobello, Puglia, Italy

Über Dale & franca


Hi, we’re Dale & Franca – a professional vegan couple, available for pet & house sitting whilst you’re on holiday.

Want to see the world or need to travel for work but worry about your animal companions or the security of your home? Let us help.

Since 2013 we’ve cared for and provided companionship for pets across Europe whilst their parents have been away on holiday, and as pet owners ourselves we understand how tough it can be to know that your pet may be alone for hours or days at a time, or in a cattery or shelter where they might not feel much human affection dude to the quantity of animals and busyness of the staff.

So far our vegan pet & house sitting has taken us to Germany, France, Spain and the United Kingdom – but we’re looking to add new countries to our list.

We’re a nomadic couple who both work on an online business and our own travel blog where we document how we like to travel slowly, vegan, and trying to live like a local.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Dale, Digital Marketing, Ehepartner / Partner

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