Petra J.

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Horní Čermná, Pardubice Region, Czech Republic

Letzte Aktivität: vor einem Monat

Über Petra J.

50 Jahre alt | Teacher - kindergarden | Als Familie

Ahoj, my name is Petra, I am from Czech republic. My work and my hobby is kindergarden,I have small one, private, kids are a lot of time outside. I have 3 own adult kids and one adopt girl. We are living in the small village. We have a lot of animals, cat, dog, parrots, guinea pigs and some farm animals, for example sheeps, goats,ducks. I love travelling too, I wish to visit nice place, meet new people and new pet friends. Travelling to hotels is so boring for me. Our family was twice in England like petsitters, bouth of time cats and dogs together. I was with animals from childhood, I take care of animals a lot of times in our family, when they needed. 🍀. I love some exotic animals, we have at home fishes, parrots. I havn't problem help you with garden, wattering or cleaning, what you need. Lots of greeting from Czech republic.Petra

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Olympe H.

Geyikbayırı, Turkey - September 2024

It was a real pleasure to have Petra at home, we just met her one day before living home but i felt really confident and she often gave us news about our animals. She let our garden and plants better than before we left and with a lot of cute hand made surpises in the house. Our house is quite isolated and she manage to be in contact with our community to go in town and for needs and she let the house really clean and in order. Thank you so much Petra, it was nice to meet you to have you at home !

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