Irene H.

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Killaloe, County Clare, Ireland

Letzte Aktivität: vor weniger als 3 Tagen
Letzte Aktivität: vor weniger als 3 Tagen

Über Irene H.

57 Jahre alt | Teacher | Allein

I am from Ireland, in my fifties, working full time as a teacher and am fortunate to enjoy plenty of time off. Over the years I have rescued many dogs, they either became part of my family or I found loving homes for them. I am reliable, conscientious and trustworthy, as well as warm and caring. I would love the opportunity to mind your pet/s and home while discovering somewhere new. I am also open to last minute arrangements between June and August as of yet I have no set plans.

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Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Jeanne l.

Brussels, Belgium - August 2024

Irene was the best. From the start the communication was easy and clear. She send me photos and news everyday, and she took good care of my apartment and my cat. I highly recommend her, and hope she can come back one day

Anaïs l.

Brussels, Belgium - Juli 2024

We were so grateful to meet and host Irene. She took great care of our cat even though she is a shy cat. The communication with Irene was really easy, she gave us daily news of Madame Patate (our cat), with a lot of details and photos. She also took perfectly care of our appartment and she was really interested in visiting Brussels. We had the opportunity to share a meal with Irene and it was a really good moment, with friendly exchanges. We will be happy to welcome her again in the future and we definitively recommend her to other Nomadors.

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