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Pia and Matt

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Western Australia, Australia

Letzte Aktivität: vor weniger als 3 Tagen
Letzte Aktivität: vor weniger als 3 Tagen

Über Pia and Matt

58 Jahre alt | Retired | Als Paar/Duo

Resort managers and Animal lovers Pia: 58 Retired
Matthew: 53 Retired

Hello everyone!
We are a retired couple (non smokers) in our 50's who have aspirations of travelling the world over the next few years and thought pet sitting would be a great place to start.
We are huge animal lovers and have had many in our lives having had a 17-acre farm we've had goats, a pig, cows, birds, chickens ,ducks, geese, rabbits, fish and our beloved staffy Chilli.

We looked after a property in Darwin for 2 months with 2 dogs and 2 cats when we were travelling Australia in our twenties and totally enjoyed it.

Matt started out as a carpenter, me a flight attendant. Following that we bought a management rights 5-star resort in Queensland which we managed for 5 years, during this time we won an award for" Travellers choice Best hotel in Australia “on Trip Advisor 2012
Finally, we had a manufacturing business for 7 years, Matt has many skills and can fix just about anything.
Me ,an animal whisperer with no animal I can’t love ❤️

Ideally, we are after longer term sitting that enable you to immerse yourself more in the place you are visiting,any type of animals or property would suit us.
We love the outdoors are fit and enjoy long walks daily and know you would not be sorry entrusting us with your home and beloved animals.
We have just completed 3 months touring New Zealand and had 2 sits ,one for 2 weeks with 2 beautiful dogs and a cat, the other a month on a 130 acre farm with 5 goats( fed twice daily,) 30 chickens and 2 cats.
Enjoyed both immensely and have attached both reviews from the owners.

Our only request moving forward is that your property be clean,have read a few horror stories and wouldn’t feel comfortable in a dirty home and guarantee your home and your pets will be cared for to the highest standard.

Look Forward to hearing from you
Kindest Regards Pia and

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Matthew, 53 Jahre alt, Retired, Ehepartner / Partner

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