Matias C.

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Lombok, Nusa Tenggara Barat, Indonesia

Letzte Aktivität: vor weniger als 10 Tagen
Letzte Aktivität: vor weniger als 10 Tagen

Über Matias C.

37 Jahre alt | Recruitment Specialist | Allein

Hi, I'm Matias!

I'm originally from Argentina, currently living in beautiful Indonesia, where I get to enjoy my passions for diving, surfing and travelling. I work remotely as a Recruiter, which gives me the flexibility to travel and explore new places. For the past year, Indonesia has been my home. I am Fluent in both Spanish and English, and very basic German.

I am planning to go to the Netherlands to visit my Girlfriend, Franca, she leaves in Utrecht. Also I think this would be a good opportunity for me to look after your pets, Is something that I miss, having them around the house, going for walks or just share quality time in the house. I have a lot of experience taking care of pets and also houses. I am very clean, organized and responsible.

To tell you a bit about myself, I have been leaving abroad for the past 10 years, working remotely and for more than 3 years as a diving instructor. I have always love the ocean and marine live, which is related to my interest for animals since I am a kid. Part of my job in the diving industry was linked to marine conservation, organizing beach and ocean clean ups. Education and awareness towards student and locals in the area.

Since young I have always being surrounded by animals and had pets at home. From dogs, cats, rabbits, ducks, you name it! My parents taught me to be responsible and look after my own pets properly, feeding them, taking them for walks, playing and even how to give them medicine when needed. When living in Argentina I used rescue dogs and cats from the street, taking care of them, until I could find them a nice home. That let me to experience different challenges like bad nutrition, all kinds of diseases and injuries. But at the end of the day it was always rewarding to see them improve and finding someone who would love them and keep taking care of them.

Travelling for the past 10 years I have stayed at different people houses to look after the place, but it was always more rewarding when there was a pet to take care of , it felt more like home, its always a very nice company to have around the house.

I am very responsible and I understand how difficult it is to leave your place and your beloved pet, and that you want someone to look after them, but also to give them love and company during that time so they don't feel alone.

I can't wait to meet you and your pets!

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch

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