Mariska b.

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Almere, Flevoland, Netherlands

Über Mariska b.

52 Jahre alt | publisher, communication agency, European vintage furniture & home decorating

We're Guus and Mariska, a Dutch couple (43 & 46 yrs), living in the Netherlands. During the sunny months we're renovating our antique farmhouse (built aroun 1800 and earlier) in a small village in Germany surrounded by vineyards nature. We like eco style and love to work with chalk paint, clay, wood etc. We're self reliant, easy going and tidy.

Why we want to house sit
Because of our dear cat Joepie, who passed away in the summer of 2015, after being with us over 20 years, we're still a bit sad and we miss him a lot. But the good thing is that we are now able to travel around the world, and we will be able to give our love to other pets. Maybe to your pets while you're away?

Why we want to take care of your house and pets
As we don't like pets to be in an animal shelter, we would love to take care of your loved ones while you're away. And we will take care of your home and garden too, of course!
It's so interesting to notice that every 'living being' has it's own character and way of communicating. And how good it is to notice that it only takes a day or two to become best friends.

Housesit experiece
We did 'home & pet sitting' projects during the last years, in the Netherlands, France, Spain, Portugal and in Germany with a lot of pleasure. We took care of the house, the animals (mainly cats, dogs and chicken) and the garden and even did some maintenance work (repairing a leaky roof and painting some walls, for example) and looked after building projects while the owners were abroad. We enjoyed our stays a lot and we would love to be house & pet sitters in the future, short and long term!

Good to know is that all the house & pet owners asked us to come back afterwards to do another house & pet sit.

For example...

In August 2018 we took care of a house and two cats in Haarlem, the Netherlands while the owners were on holiday. It was the second time at the same place :)

The first 3 months of 2018 we were in Andalusia for the third time (2016, 2017 & 2018) at the same place. We took care of 2 cats (Boio & Migo), 6 chicken and a lovely, garden while the owners were in Belgium.

December 2016 / januari 2017 we were in the Algarve in Portugal to take care of a hostel without guests. It was a fantastic experience!

During wintertime 2016 (feb, march) we were in the south of Spain, in Andalusia. We were taking care of six chicken (yes, every day fresh eggs and lot's of chicken-talk), a lovely cat named Migo and a house for 3,5 week

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Guus, 49 Jahre alt, publisher & vintage & antiques seller, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Deutsch | Englisch | Französisch

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