Halla Á.

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Reykjavík, Reykjavíkurborg, Iceland

Letzte Aktivität: vor weniger als 3 Tagen
Letzte Aktivität: vor weniger als 3 Tagen

Über Halla Á.

71 Jahre alt | retired/record manager | Als Paar/Duo

Our names are Halla and Tryggvi we are 71. and 70. years old couple from Iceland. We have been married for 50 years and are experienced in various fields as people our age usually are : ). We have both retired from our work, but Tryggvi has a small fishing boat and during the summer he is fishing Cod. Tryggvi was a foreman at an aluminum plant for 20 years so he´s experienced in solving various tasks. Halla was a record manager/archivist for the City of Reykjavik for 20 years. We both have experience in management.
We have a lot of experience with animals, in our earlier years we were farmers. We grew potatoes, along with farming pigs. Kept also horses for pleasure and had all kinds of pets, dogs, cats, rabbits, ducks and even had, one summer, a seal puppy in our bath tub : ). During that time we owned three dogs, an Icelandic blend, a Setter, and an German Shepard all of them where female and had puppies that needed taking care of. The same was with our cats which we had 5 off. Though we don´t have pets at the moment we are still in contact with them, our daughter (a veterinarian) has a lovely Wippet which is a regular guest at our house and when our daughter and her family are away we take care of her.
We are lucky to be in good health. We would love to take care of your animals and home, we would do as they were our own.

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