Laura J.

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London, England, United Kingdom

Letzte Aktivität: vor 2 Wochen

Über Laura J.

33 Jahre alt | Midwife | Als Paar/Duo

Hello! We are Laura and Luke, a couple in our mid-thirties from London, UK. I am a midwife of over ten years and my partner Luke has run a successful events business across London and New York.

We both love to travel, in fact we met each other travelling in New Zealand back in 2010. Since then we have been on some incredible trips, including an adventure from Mexico to Patagonia throughout 2022! We are arriving in Canada in September 2024, on a two year IEC visa, and are looking forward to experiencing everything this beautiful country has to offer.

Having this trip planned has meant that we don't have any pets of our own (yet!), but we both adore animals and have grown up surrounded by them - cats, dogs, rabbits, hamsters, fish, you name it! We really can't wait to get some cats and dogs of own one day, once we've settled down in one place. The only thing we're currently "parents" to is a lot of house plants! :-) We also regularly take care of a lot of our friends pets whenever they're away.

We are clean, respectful people who will look after your home. We have rented out our own home in London while we are away so we understand the value of having a trusting relationship with the people living in your space. Thank you for considering us for your house sitting needs! We’d be happy to share any more information you might need about us.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Luke, 34 Jahre alt, Co-Founder / Carpenter, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Französisch

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