Iara Belen

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Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Letzte Aktivität: vor einem Monat

Über Iara Belen

29 Jahre alt | Former designer and current student in holistic therapies | Allein

Hi everyone! I have been traveling alone for 3 years now but this has only been the beginning of what I consider to be my lifestyle for a few more years.
During this time I have discovered, among other things, that the strength and kindness of people unites us a thousand times stronger than the borders that separate us; and that the world…this beautiful planet, is a wonderful miracle full of breathtaking corners.
Traveling is not a vacation for me, it is a life mission. 💫

During my travels I have worked in many areas such as customer service, babysitting, dog walking and cleaning. And although this is my first time on an app like this, I have already taken care of the house and pets of some friends on a couple of occasions while they were traveling for work.

As for my personality, I am very sociable, kind and calm. I like to meditate, read and connect with nature. I am a responsible and organized person. I love animals 🧡 dogs and cats equally, I have no preferences. I grew up with two dogs, a cat and a parrot. I really miss having a pet with me, but it's hard with this lifestyle.

So if you choose me to take care of your home or your pet I will be more than happy to spend some time in a cozy home with your little furry friends.🤗

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch

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