Jana O.Buendia

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Prague, Prague, Czech Republic

Letzte Aktivität: vor einem Monat

Über Jana O.Buendia

49 Jahre alt | Project Manager | Allein

My name is Jana, I am Czech and I live in Prague. I work as a project manager in a non-profit organization and my job allows me to nomad around Europe.
I love -dogs, cats and all those wonderful furry creatures, now I don't have any pets at the moment, but I like to take care of them for my friends. As a teenager I used to have 6 dachshunds and cats, today I look after the dogs and cats for my whole family.
Besides animals, I love traveling, gardening, swimming in cold water, cycling, cooking and knitting :) I love to talk to people, and I love to learn foreign languages. When I travel, I stay in one place for a while so I can get to know and explore my surroundings properly, find my cafe and my viewpoint and to touch to the history of the place. I like classical music and also rock.
I'm new to Nomador so far, but I have experience babysitting houses and apartments during my Airbnb stays in Hamburg, Kiel and Laboe, as well as babysitting houses and apartments in Prague and the Czech Republic.

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch | Deutsch

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