Corinne A.

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Thomery, Île-de-France, France

Letzte Aktivität: vor 2 Wochen

Über Corinne A.

70 Jahre alt | writer - translator | Allein

I am a writer and translator (from japanese to french). I've lived in many different countries and adapt everywhere. I love to travel, specially in Asia. I spend part of the year in Japan nowadays, and when in France, I live in the country-side about 75 kms from Paris. So I'm always happy to have the opportunity to be a cat-sitter in Paris and spend a few days there enjoying exhibitions, galleries, bookshops, theaters, and visiting friends.
I'm an easy-going person, tidy, vegetarian, non smoker, and animal lover, specially cats. I love them and they love me ! I had a black female cat who lived for 22 years, me and my daughter were so sad when she passed away 3 years ago, that I am still unable to adopt a new one, but am always happy to take care of other people's pets ! I love plants too and you can trust me to water them properly. I like reading and writing and usually cats like to be around me ( stay on my lap when I'm reading, or sit on my labtop when I'm working !) Cats and writers have always been good companions, and I'm no exception !
I'm a newcomer in the Nomador community, and I really love the idea. I'm looking forward to taking care of your pets and having someone stay at my house the day I shall have a cat again.

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Französisch | Japanisch

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