Lynn m.

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Lanark, Scotland, United Kingdom

Über Lynn m.

72 Jahre alt | Teacher

" Lynn has been taking care of my pets and home so well that I don't want anyone else now! I have booked her for the fifth time as I have such peace of mind knowing she is taking such excellent care of everything for me. She has gone above and beyond what I asked of a sitter and my cats adore her, my villa is spotless when I come home and the garden, my plants and pool are so well taken care of. She is definitely Five stars*****"
Daisy W - Spain
Via HouseSitMatch.


I have been traveling and taking care of some lovely pets for the last few years and have built lasting friendships with people all over the world. My reviews are on other sites if you would like to read them I can send a copy to you.
My career was teaching adults with special needs and I was also a member of the Royal Household of Queen Elizabeth and lived in Windsor Castle England, where I was responsible for the Queen's private apartments, taking care of her guests and her personal possessions, obviously this was a position of great trust, with high security clearance which I am happy let you see.

As I am now retired I am free to pursue my passions for traveling, taking care of pets, learning new languages, writing and meeting new people. I enjoy traveling independently, experiencing life in different countries, living with the local people, and enjoying the companionship of some lovely pets.
I am a non-smoker, fit and healthy, and enjoy a healthy lifestyle. I have had dogs, cats rabbits and fish as pets, and I grew up in the countryside where we also had chickens, horses and pigs. I especially love little dogs and cats and as I am a quiet and peaceful person they love me too, and we have a lot of fun together.

Good internet is needed as I spend a lot of time online writing, studying and researching. A clean and tidy home is important to me and I'm happy to exchange photos of my own home and Skype together. As I am a non smoker I only take care of non smoking homes for pet and house sitting.

You will be able to relax and have complete peace of mind that your loved ones are in their own routine, so you will come home to some happy and contented pets. Your home will be exactly the way that you left it, I will take good care of your home and treat it with respect, I consider it my privilege to stay and help you to enjoy your time away.

Thank you for reading my profile and please don't hesitate to get in touch I'm happy to answer any questions.


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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch | Französisch

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