Kathleen v.

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Lake Forest, California, United States

Letzte Aktivität: vor einem Monat

Über Kathleen v.

76 Jahre alt | Interior designer

Police check verified by ONFIDO

I have been a home and pool owner for over 30 years. Active, non smoker., social drinker.
Optimistic, intelligent, personable, curious, caring and responsib, retired healthy pet loving. traveler., Fortunate to visit many interesting destinations. Travel experiences have provided me with a wonderful education and I look forward to many more.. I have many varied interests, nature, cities, museums, gardening, design, antiques, history and culinary.

I am gifted with good health, and a outlook on life and it's many opportunities. I look forward to each day and it's gifts. I am a very serious caregiver to pets. I will follow our instructions, respect your property, and work to ensure that you return to a home that is exactly as you left it.

I will have my own transportation if the area requires a car. I can also take the trains or bus if convenient.
I am happy to take photos of your home and pets as often as you wish and forward them to you on a regular basis. If you have any questions I will send you a timely response.

Thank you for your interest in my application, I look forward to meeting you and caring for all of the needs of your pets and plants to allow you a relaxing time awa.

Enjoy safe travels and rest assured that all will be well when you come home. Happ provide many more details upon request.

Kindest regards,

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Jennifer , daughter, Andere
Evie , granddaughter, Kind

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