Hanna jacoba v.

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Amsterdam, North Holland, Netherlands

Über Hanna jacoba v.

44 Jahre alt | Netwerk marketing

We're a couple, I'm Jim 52 years and Jedidja 37. Almost 10 years together. We decided in december 2016 leave Holland and going to Algarve Portugal. Our experience in housesitting is 1,5 years, stay in Italy ( 6 cats and dog) en 2 times in Algarve Portugal. For now we stay on an estate in Algarve Portugal of 5,5 ha (reparation electric, pool maintance, care of dog, gardning work). The other time in Algarve was on a estate of 16 HA we take care of goats, ducks, koi's. Making house of wood for goats and chicken. Making wood ready for several fireplaces for 2 years. Our own dogs is a very behave Labrador, female. She can go with every breed dogs and cats. Im a real technic man: electric, solar panels, fixing machines: No problem. Also on the pc: making websites, understand any program. Construction is not my thing. I can help with that, but not doing only. Jedidja has experience with horses, like all sort dogs and like training them on her way. Gardning work we know about that, but we need help for explain. We can stay everywhere, because we do internet marketing. Jedidja doing the communication, find out everything and I'm doing the job on the background. We love travelling, sun and caring on other houses and animals.

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