Nina w.

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Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Über Nina w.

41 Jahre alt | Self Employed

I am a single lady in my thirties. I have a degree in International Development. I have worked primarily in the not-for-profit sector with people in need. I recently left this line of work to pursue my life long dream of travelling the world. I would like to travel whilst house sitting, as I believe this would allow me to see a more authentic side of the places I visit (and not just the touristy spots), and give me the time to fully immerse myself in a place, and meet and get to know the people. I also hope this will give me the time to pursue my other life long dream which is to write.

I do not smoke and would consider myself reasonably fit and healthy. I am not a stranger to hard work so mowing lawns or doing small maintenance tasks as required would not be a problem for me. I am a very clean and neat person, and hence I can assure you that your home would be well maintained. I love to walk, so if you have dogs I believe we will make good companions.

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