Eric S.

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Montreal, Québec, Canada

Über Eric S.

61 Jahre alt | Semi-retired tv director | Allein

I’m a semi-retired professional TV director who wants to to slow down as I just turned 60. I don't and have necer smoked. I’ve travelled the world for work (filming documentary series) and pleasure and lived some time in Germany and Paris as well as travelled the Americas from North to South for work for European TV during 4 years, almost year-long during that period.

I’m both very much a people-person as I am an animal-lover. I often took care of friends’ dogs and cats when they were travelling. Sadly, I haven't owned a pet for some time since I was always on the move for work.

I own my own house in Montreal since 2000 and mostly take care of its maintenance myself. I’m from a restaurant owning family so I was brought up in food and service and still enjoy cooking for myself and others a lot. Avid photographer, movie-lover and scuba diving afficionnado, I am an active but calm person who finds pleasure in small things like daily walking, people-watching and reading.

I’m new to house sitting but figure it would be a good way to travel comfortably while enjoying the company of animals and discovering new places. Let’s talk on the phone or on a Zoom call if you want to know more about me. My mother tongue is French but since my Dad was English speaking, we mostly spoke "Frenglish" at home, I learned Spanish travelling for work and consider myself fluent with it, the German is from a long time ago but I still understand some of it.

Cheers and in the hopes of meeting you.


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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Französisch | Spanisch

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