Cristina l.

Dieser Benutzer hat mehrere Identitätsdokumente überprüfen lassen und positive Rückmeldungen von der Nomador-Gemeinschaft erhalten.

Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain

Letzte Aktivität: vor 3 Monaten

Über Cristina l.

Artist (painter)

**** We're going to be unavailable for some months, probably till summer 2020. You're very welcomed to read our profile and references anyway and to contact us if interested any time! ???? ****

Passionate animal lovers, energetic, happy, active, adventurous, non-smoking couple and loving all that house sitting offers. We are Cristina (53) and Pau (51) a happily married couple. Both non-smokers.

Fortunate enough to be able, as freelancers, to do our jobs wherever. I'm Norwegian and my husband is from Barcelona, where we currently live after many years living in Norway. We have no children. I'm an artist with an endless hunger of sources of inspiration while not busy with projects or studies. He's a digital marketing consultant and does most of his work remotely through internet.

We like to travel and we love animals. House sitting gives us the possibility to link these two passions. It offers the opportunity to travel and visit places that we had not thought about and share this experience with animals that require the ongoing attention and affection that is usually provided by their owners. We’ve owned pets during our lifetime and can understand the importance of animals in people’s lives and know how to enjoy their company and provide the necessary care.

We have plenty of experience with cats, dogs, farm animals and others, as we've enjoyed the company of some of them through the years at home, and also have sitted other people's pets, both at their own places and in ours. New pets seem to accept and trust us very quickly (perhaps that innate ability of animals to identify friendliness) and as we go along we better understand what owners expect of us reacting with their properties and pets. We have an understanding of the value that an owner has on their property. As nature lovers we can also look after gardens and tenderly take care for delicate indoor plants. We have better than basic house maintenance/gardening skills (lawn mowing, cutting wood, pruning, clearing snow from driveways and paths using large machinery and manual methods, etc) and have no fear in trying something new and unexpected.

Being very active and adventurous we are willing to travel anywhere in the world, willing to learn new cultures and languages. We are prolific walkers and bike riders.

Motivated to go to places that we have not been to or heard of. We can live by the ocean, in cities, rural (working and hobby) farms and remote mountain villages; in the

Mit Google übersetzen

Meine Reisebegleiter
Pau, Digital Marketer, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch

Erhaltene Komplimente

Gibt Neuigkeiten
Sehr freundlich
Übertrifft die Erwartungen

Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Angela d.

Canaveilles, France - Januar 2019

Christina & Pau are very responsible and caring of our dog. They integrated very well into our small community. We absolutely recommend them, and look forward to seeing them again ourselves, to dog sit or just to visit!

Gioia c.

Lausanne, Switzerland - Mai 2018

Wonderful couple, very reliable. Gave news from walks with dog and other very often, became friends with neighbours. Highly recommend them.

Sylvie L.

Arquian, France - Februar 2018

Cristina et Pau sont des personnes exceptionnelles. Nous avons eu des nouvelles presque au quotidien. Les animaux ont été chouchoutés. Une belle histoire d'amour est née entre Cristina et Bindi, notre jeune chienne Labrador. Tous nos animaux ont reçu beaucoup d'amour et de soins, notre chienne , nos trois chats, nos poules, nos trois alpagas. Cristina et Pau avait une très bonne organisation de la journée avec nos animaux qu'ils nous ont fait partager dans un petit exposé écrit. À notre retour de vacances, Cristina et Pau nous avaient préparé un excellent repas. Notre maison était ultra propre, plus propre peut être qu'à notre départ. On dit que la perfection n'existe pas mais ils en étaient proche. Je ne peux que recommander ce charmant couple.

Noëlle b.

Paris, France - September 2017

Nous sommes très satisfaits du home-sitting de Cristina et Pau pendant nos 19 jours d'absence. Ils se sont bien occupés de nos animaux, y compris en soignant un chat et un chien qui avaient besoin de prendre des médicaments, et leur ont donné à tous beaucoup de câlins. Ils nous ont envoyé des nouvelles très régulièrement et ont laissé la maison propre et impeccable. C'est un couple très sympathique, efficace et prêt à rendre service. Nous les recommandons vivement.

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