Aurelie b.

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Toulouse, Occitanie, France

Über Aurelie b.

40 Jahre alt | writer

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Aurelie - a simply happy and positive person! ??
Muret, France

About Me
Hello :)

I'm Aurelie, a 32 years old French woman but who has actually lived the past 7years away from home -mostly in India, the UK, Australia and New Zealand.

I'm a positive and healthy person, I do not smoke, drink or do drugs. Since two years I am gluten free, dairy free and refined sugar free.
I am a very happy and positive person. I just enjoy the simple things in life like a good herbal tea, a lovely book, a nice sunset, jigsaw puzzles, a walk with a dog or the purring sound of a cat on my laps!

I'm educated (master's degree), trustworthy, serious and reliable. I'm a writer so I work from home and enjoy quiet spaces. Moreover I have a lot of petsitting and couchsurfing experiences so I know how to stay at someone's place being very neat and tidy.

I grew up in a small town in the countryside area near Toulouse (South of France) with a big garden and veggie patch, chickens (4 to 6 at a time), few cats and a dog.

I love spending time in nature and with any animals, during my stay in Australia I worked 3months in a cattle station. I'm always keen on pet sitting as currently I do not have any pet and I miss it.

I did pet sitting on a several occasions, especially over the holiday season, for diverse animals (cats, dogs, buggies, insects, chickens, ducks,...) at my home as well as at the owner's place.
Provided there is wifi I usually send regular messages and pictures of the pets while the owners are away!

Kind regards,

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch | Französisch

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