Frances g.

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Paris, Île-de-France, France

Über Frances g.

37 Jahre alt | Business Owner | Als Paar/Duo

My name is Francess and my husband’s is Yves. We’re a French couple with no kids. We love animals. Yves grew up in Bretagne with many cats and I in Indonesia with many dogs. We’re also comfortable around both farm and rescue animals. My mother’s dogs are all adopted. Yves spent his vacation in his uncle’s farm when he was little.

We have our own company and our job allows us to live and work anywhere as long as we have our laptops and internet connection.

Although new to Nomador, we're not new to housesitting. We've completed 7 successful housesits with another website in 2022, all with glowing reviews. We're what I call experienced but not blasé. Please see our pictures and reviews here

We rise early, love nature, and like to keep active: long walks, running, hiking, yoga and we love to cook: unprocessed, healthy and seasonal food.

Other than that, we too are homeowners and understand the anxiety of entrusting what you hold most dearly to strangers. We’re very organized, reliable, clean & tidy and will show your home care and love.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Yves, 58 Jahre alt, Director, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Deutsch | Englisch | Spanisch | Französisch

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