Kelly H.

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Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal

Letzte Aktivität: vor 3 Monaten

Über Kelly H.

63 Jahre alt | Writer | Allein

Ola! Thank you for visiting my profile. Nearly every place I've housesat during the last 12 years has invited me back! Excellent references from very enthusiastic dogs, kitties and rabbits. (I'm happy to send screen shots from reviews from another site.)

I'm a retired political activist from California, now a writer and book editor living in Lisbon. I reported from Iraq just before and just after the US-led invasion and I've written quite a bit about refugees. Before that, I worked on legislation to protect the environment, support workers' and women's rights and strengthen California's civil justice system.

I think travel is transformative and it gives me such joy to provide pet owners with the opportunity to travel knowing that their pets and homes are lovingly cared for. Before the pandemic grounded me in the UK, I had been housesitting full-time for 12 straight years throughout Europe, North America, Africa and Asia. I'm so enthusiastic about housesitting that I wrote a book (cleverly titled!) "How to Become a Housesitter: Insider Tips from the HouseSit Diva" that's available on Amazon or my web site

I've also written several blogs for Nomador!

Please know that if you choose me as your housesitter, your pets will be loved, your home and routines respected and your trust appreciated. I look forward to meeting you and your pets!

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch | Portugiesisch

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Karen s.

Créteil, France - August 2023

We were very happy to have Kelly looking after our house and plants. Everything went fine and we would be happy to have her come again at our house. It was very interesting to discuss her experience in homesitting and her previous professionnal experiences. Kelly left us some little gifts when she left which was very thoughtful of her.

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