Patricia M.

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Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Über Patricia M.

58 Jahre alt | Retired

Version française à venir bientôt....
We are a retired Canadian couple in our early 50s with a lot of house-sitting experience and excellent references. We’ve been using house-sitting websites to travel in the fall and winter months for the past 6 years (over 30 assignments to date; see the list below). We don't smoke and we don't have kids or pets. We are reasonably fit and we love to bike and walk around to discover new places. We are quiet, tidy and respectful of other people's property. Your house and pets would be in capable and caring hands, giving you the peace of mind that you need during your time away.

Why we want to house sit? House-sitting is a great way to discover new, off-the-beaten path places. It gives us the opportunity to stretch our travel to a longer time period while enabling us to meet new people, make new friends and enjoy a little pet therapy. We love cats and house-sitting is a neat way to compensate for not having any of our own (we travel too much at this time!).

What we bring to the assignment / relevant experience? We are a middle aged couple who has the maturity and experience needed to take care of most (if not all) maintenance associated with house ownership. We have owned several homes over the past 25 years. We even ran a small tourist business for 6 years, renting our lovely seaside cottage to people who wanted to come to Gros Morne National Park in Newfoundland to experience a very unique scenery in Canada. We are very tidy and clean and, we are good at communicating with our hosts so that they are kept informed during their travel. We are dependable and we try our best to follow instructions to the letter. We are quite versatile and we can adapt to both rural and urban settings. Our very first house-sit assignment was in Vienna in Austria for 3 months. This was a fantastic experience and it spurred a new life style for us -- working in Newfoundland during the summer and travelling the rest of the time. We sold our Newfoundland home in late 2014 and are now planning to spend the next couple of years travelling in Canada, in the United States and in Europe.

For your information, here is a list of the house-sits that we've done to date - arranged via House Carers and Trusted House-Sitters:

2010: 3 months in Vienna, Austria (Sept. 20-Dec. 19, 2010), no pets.
2011: 2 months in Winston-Salem, USA (March 3-May 12/2011)
2011: 1 month in Portland, USA (September 3-29, 2011), 2 cats.
2011: 3 weeks in Vanc

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Derek, 61 Jahre alt, Retired, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Französisch

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