Bronwyn h.

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Perth, Western Australia, Australia

Über Bronwyn h.

58 Jahre alt | Teacher/Lawyer

Hello lovely pet parents,

Why should you choose me to take care of your home and pets? Well, apart from looking after your home as though it were my own, you'll probably be pleased to know that I truly adore all animals and they really like me too! To me, they are equal to humans - better than humans actually! I've had all sorts of pets throughout my life including: dogs (big and small!), cats, a snake, horses, mice, rats, frogs, fish, turtles, guinea pigs, hamsters, pigeons, doves, parrots, goats, a cow, hedgehogs, kangaroos, and even ants! I love them all! 

I'm completely confident and always happy when I'm around animals. They bring me calm and peace and it's a mutually beneficial relationship. I always try to win their trust and establish a bond with them. Lots of cuddles, pats, play, food, talk and walks usually does it! I think I have a special sensitivity with all animals (and children!) My grandfather used to say that he and I could talk to animals in their own language in a way most people can't. He told me I'd inherited this talent from him - and he was a horse-whisperer!

I've had plenty of experience with giving animals medicine, injections and basic veterinary care. I've been a foster-parent to many pets who may otherwise have been euthanised because they were homeless or unwanted. The list includes unwanted healthy animals as well as sick dogs and cats, litters of unwanted kittens, and elderly horses. Many years ago I used to work weekends, holidays and any free time I had as an assistant/trainee at a veterinary clinic and I've found this experience to be very useful ever since. I've owned and cared for numerous pets who have needed particular care for various illnesses such as diabetes, arthritis, trauma-related injuries, behavioural problems, and disabilities such as blindness and lost limbs so I'm quite confident in administering any and all medications and I'm also capable of patching up and cleaning any wounds they may have or get.  Of course, I definitely know when it's time to call the vet too!

As for me... I'd say that I'm a very energetic, enthusiastic, happy, caring, friendly, responsible and resourceful person (really!) And I've got loads of common sense - essential when caring for your beloved pet family and home. I'm also widely-travelled and currently work in the education industry - I'd like to combine travelling with my love of teaching and training. I'm thinking of beginning my Ph.D soon and I

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Ronny, 6 Jahre alt, Digital Nomad, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Chinesisch

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