Ciel (c-l) s.

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Whistler, British Columbia, Canada

Über Ciel (c-l) s.

45 Jahre alt | Business Owner

I am a fit, active, honest and responsible Canadian woman who owns several businesses. I work in the online space (digital marketing) which allows me to work from home with flexibility.
I have been thoroughly vetted by the U.S. and Canadian authorities via the Global Entry / Nexus (fast-track expedite border/custom entry) program.

Travel is a big passion of mine and I love to meet new people and of course animals because I think they make our world an infinitely better place to be. I enjoy experiencing new cultures and finding new adventures. I am a fun loving, easy going, energetic person and find that amazing things happen even when things don't go as planned, I always look for the gift in an experience and I usually find it. I love animals and the environment and therefore have chosen to lead a vegan lifestyle. I enjoy cooking and believe that coconut milk can make anything taste amazing! I love making raw food deserts, doing yoga, hiking, biking, playing golf and doing anything crafty. A few years ago on a pet sit in Sun City, Arizona I spent 6 weeks at a Senior's Center where they taught me how to do woodworking and jewelry, including silversmithing & lapidary (cutting rocks). That was an amazing experience. I am kind and caring and my default is to give people the benefit of the doubt.
I am a homeowner and financially secure. I often travel on my own and have spent the past 4 winters in the Dominican Republic where I get to live like a local. I am independent and resourceful and relish the challenges that come with living in different environments.

On sits of longer than 7 days I would be most appreciative if I could have a professional cleaner come in after my departure. I am happy to pay for this if this is not something that you normally do. I find that with all that comes with travel schedules that it can be a lot to do on the last day to get the house up to the standard that I would like to leave it.

Why I want to house sit
It’s a way to explore destinations that I might not normally choose to visit or think to visit. It is an easy way to open myself up to new experiences and I love to get to know a place and live like a local.

I have owned pets in the past and I love the companionship they provide. As I do love to travel so much, owning a pet has not been in the cards, therefore I have recently taken to fostering dogs. It has been one of the best and most rewarding experiences of my life. My first fo

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