Jon & Laurie

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Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Über Jon & Laurie

67 Jahre alt | Property Management

Introduction Profile:
In 2013, I retired after operating my own business for over thirty-five years. My wife worked as a stay-at-home Mom to raise our daughter and son. We now enjoy spending as much time as possible with our adult children and four grandchildren. For the past number of years, we have also been extensively involved in doing volunteer work. Some of this includes doing humanitarian work in Africa and also working with a Humanitarian Relief Organization here in Canada. Laurie and I love to travel and love meeting new friends. We are both non-smokers and fitness enthusiasts.

Laurie and I have been homeowners since we were married over thirty-nine years ago. While travelling, most of our accommodations have been in Vacation Rentals, Bed and Breakfasts and Guest Homes. We understand the responsibilities associated with living under someone else's roof and will apply our high standards to fulfil what is expected of us. With my background experience in property management, I am able to evaluate situations that may arise, and work to find a solution. Throughout our years of marriage, Laurie has taken great pride in meticulously maintaining the lawns and gardens (pool) of our homes. We are a team.

Both my wife and I are organized and committed to detail. We both have a strong work ethic and take pride in whatever responsibility we undertake. Laurie and I both grew up with a variety of pets (dogs, cats, rabbits etc.). When our children were young, our rescue dog Thunder, became part of our family. Her days of terrorizing the neighbourhood squirrels and rabbits came to an end in the fall of 2004 when she succumbed to age-related complications. Laurie and I are both morning people. Pets accustomed to early morning walks and runs will love the routine we provide.

I hold an International Driver's Licence and have the top level Police Check available through the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP). We have the financial resources to travel. Available on Skyp- and FaceTime.


#1 - We could NOT have picked better home and pet sitters than Jon and Laurie! From the moment we first met them on FaceTime, we knew we had met like-minded people. We picked them up at the airport and that fact was supported as they are kind and open and respectful individuals. When we returned from our month vacation in Europe, we found our home and our little dog in perfect condition! Additionally, there was a beautiful bouquet of flowers, a loving letter of

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Jon, 67 Jahre alt, Retired, Ehepartner / Partner
Laurie, 67 Jahre alt, Retired, Ehepartner / Partner

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