Lies v.

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Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Über Lies v.

38 Jahre alt | Visual Effects Artist

We are Lies and Ash, a responsible couple who would love to take care of your home and pets while you're away!

As two visual effects artists in the film industry, we frequently move around the world for our jobs. We love exploring new places, and like to come home and enjoy our evenings in a peaceful environment.

We are an active couple, who don't smoke or party. We like to keep our home clean and tidy, and will make sure to treat your home as if it were our own.

Wherever we travel, we are keen to experience local life. Because we move around a lot for our jobs, we are unfortunately unable to have pets of our own right now.

House sitting enables us to experience both worlds. It gives us the opportunity to see new places and live locally, as well as allowing us to have an animal to love in our lives.

We are both experienced in taking care of animals. Ash grew up on a horse farm and has taken care of horses, cats, dogs and birds throughout his life, while Lies grew up taking care of three rabbits, and also looking after cats while the family was away.

Lies has also volunteered at the Elephant Nature Park in Thailand for a week, preparing food and helping to feed the elephants, as well as cleaning their enclosures.

We are very adaptable, having lived in many different houses/apartments all around the world, for the past ten years.

We will take care of your home as if it were our own, and give your pets all the love and care they need. You can enjoy your time away, knowing your home and furry friends are in good hands.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Ash, Visual Effects Artist, Ehepartner / Partner

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