Funda ?.

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Nevşehir, Nevşehir, Turkey


Über Funda ?.

38 Jahre alt | Business Development Executive

I have been working home office for almost 10 years now so I have travelled a lot in between projects. However staying in hotels and working from there didnot give me much pleasure. I always try to find stray animals to feed and I try to find a local event to attend so that I can a little feel how to be a local there. I try to do shopping from local shops. Simply I try to be a world citizen.

BTW, I used to have birds, dogs and cats and I ride horses so ? am good with all these animals.

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Deutsch | Englisch

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Lokaler Kulturführer

Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft



Januar 2018

Funda was a great housesitter! Despite one of our three cats having a rather challenging health problem, Funda managed the whole situation very well. She kept us fully informed during our holiday and we returned to a tidy apartment. Funda was able to arrive a day early to do a "handover" before our departure which was much appreciated. She is a mature, independent and trustworthy person, who we recommend as a housesitter.

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