Isabelle G.

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Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Letzte Aktivität: vor 2 Wochen

Über Isabelle G.

36 Jahre alt | Animal Health Technician, Yoga teacher, Photographer, Graphic Designer | Als Paar/Duo

We are an experienced house sitter and host couple in our mid-30s. Over the years, we have taken care of more than 30 places and we have plenty of references and reviews to confirm our experience.

Silas is from Brazil, and I am from Canada. We speak several languages, including French, Portuguese, English, and Spanish. As a couple, we have been together for over 5 years, and during that time, we have traveled extensively. We are slow travelers who like to immerse ourselves in new cultures and languages. We enjoy meeting new people and learning about their traditions. We both have experience in customer service and hospitality. We are responsible, mature individuals who take our jobs seriously and we have a diverse range of skills.

Isabelle is a freelance photographer, graphic designer, yoga teacher, and veterinary nurse. Silas, on the other hand, possesses expertise in various manual tasks, general maintenance, and construction. He is also skilled in housekeeping, troubleshooting, and handyman work. With our diverse set of skills, we make an ideal team.

We are slow travellers, and we like to feel the place and connect with locals. Together we cover many skills, we are responsible, mature, quiet and love simplicity. We are non-smokers, and we really enjoy being surrounded by nature and meeting people and cultures. We don't party, we like to explore during the day, and relax at night at home.

Let's talk if you are interested!

Isa & Silas

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Silas, 37 Jahre alt, Garden, Construction, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch | Französisch | Portugiesisch

Erhaltene Komplimente

Gibt Neuigkeiten
Übertrifft die Erwartungen
Sehr freundlich

Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Micah S.

Ortahisar, Turkey - März 2024

Isa and Silas are the dream team! We would happily use them EVERY TIME, if possible. Our home was unfortunately problematic while they stayed and they neither complained nor allowed it to diminish their joy while staying here. Our cat, Celtic is also a little problematic in the usual way cats can be...they worked hard to keep Celtic safe and happy. These lovely people will do everything possible to keep your home, garden, and animals safe and loved. Highly recommend!

Alice c.

Sélestat, France - August 2020

Première expérience sur Nomador exceptionnelle. Isabelle et Silas sont des cat-sitter at home parfaits ! Je recommande vivement !


Paris, France - August 2020

Isabelle et Silas sont d’excellents housesitters ! Le séjour était arrangé très rapidement, et nous avons eu un très bon feeling et entière confiance avec eux. Tout s’est très bien passé, notre chat est content et la maison est en parfait état. Isabelle et Silas sont des voyageurs passionnés, très bons photographes, très respectueux et sociables. Nous serions ravis de les revoir à Paris et recommandons avec grand plaisir. Bonne continuation !!

Cheryl m.

Cristo Rey, Belize - April 2019

Isabelle & Silas were incredible house sitters. Our three dogs loved them. Silas organized my potting shed and planted several herbs and veggies for us. They a friendly and capable of running an AirBnB. We highly recommend them to all homeowners. We have a senior dog and Isabelle's vet technician background was a plus. Isabelle is also a yoga 'expert' and both Silas and Isa were respectful of our property. We would have them house sit for us again! We hope they are available the next time we need a house sitter.

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