Charlotte w.

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Bournemouth, England, United Kingdom

Über Charlotte w.

44 Jahre alt | Writer

A big hello from the two of us!

There’s a wonderful peace of mind that comes from knowing that your pets (and home) are being cared for in exactly the same way that you would, with all of the cuddles and attention that you could ever ask for, by two experienced pairs of hands and in a calm, mini-family environment, You can enjoy your trip without worries and feel relaxed and rested when you return :-)

And we can help you enjoy just that!

You see we offer more than your usual housesitters. We deeply and genuinely care about animals and love having an animal family for a brief period of time (even if it’s always sad to leave!)

We have tons of experience, glowing references and have a recent UK CRB check. We have had several invitations back to sits and we've even been told that we 'restore faith in housesitters'. We can send some references straight over to you if you like.

So a little about us. I'm Charlotte, I'm 34 and I'm a writer, editor and proofreader. Rafi is 6 and is experienced with all animals (although he has a soft-spot for dogs!) Most importantly, he understand the needs and personalities of different animals and is always calm, patient and gentle when around them.

I speak some Spanish and I'm working hard on my French so we'd especially love to care for your pets in these countries

We're also very quiet people and I'm very houseproud so you can be confident that there will be no nasty surprises waiting for you when you get home.

Look forward to hearing from you!

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