Abby b.

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Bedford, England, United Kingdom

Über Abby b.

35 Jahre alt | Event Administrator

Hi! I'm Abby. I'm 29 years old and I live in Bedford in the UK.

I currently work for an events company, but I am due to start a full time Undergraduate degree course in September of this year.

I am looking for house / pet-sitting opportunities during my academic holidays and I'm not picky where in the world this might be - I just love to travel and experience new places and cultures.

Sadly owning an animal is too much of a responsibility for me at the moment - so a pet-sitting arrangement allows me not only the opportunity to travel, but the experience to look after lovely animals on a short term basis.

I frequently pet-sit for acquaintances (cat's and dog's) here in the UK and consider myself responsible, communicative, reliable and considerate of other people's homes / living spaces.

I am a keen runner, cyclist and swimmer - so am particularly interested in opportunities in areas where these activities will be suitable.

Any other questions - just ask :).

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Toby, 33 Jahre alt, Driving Instructor, Ehepartner / Partner

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