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Taipei, Taiwan, Province of China

Letzte Aktivität: vor 3 Monaten

Über Tap1derlust

0 Jahre alt | Freelancer, Tap dancer | Allein

Hsiang-Hsin used to work with film, as a projectionist in the cinema, film copy staff and hospitality for film festivals, and assistant of sound recorder in long feature film on set. She met Tap dance accidentally in 2010, and fell in love right away with this beautiful art form, even though she never learned any kind of dance before, “the calling” still ring strongly within her soul, Tap made her see through the true desire buried deep down in heart, therefore, she knew she must go study in NYC, soon she just run into a totally different world.

She came back to Taiwan in 2015, also realized the importance to learn more about her sweet hometown, Taiwan. She not only enjoy travel but also cares about consistency of the environment issue and choose to live a earth-friendly life style.

She was cycling across Eurasia during 2018-2020, also experienced being a helper and volunteer while traveling around Europe and Thailand in 2009. She also participated the artist residency programs and had been to several permaculture designed studios in Taiwan, to help, learn, and to share whatever she could.

Now Hsiang-Hsin is ready for discovering the world! :')

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Chinesisch

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