Vikki k.

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Mackay, Queensland, Australia

Über Vikki k.

56 Jahre alt | Teacher

I am a 50 yr old secondary school teacher. I work with teenagers with various impairments ie I am a Special Education teacher, a job that I love. I live in Mackay, central Queensland, Australia, which is close to the Whitsunday Islands and the Great Barrier Reef.

I live with my little furry boy, Ace. He is a white Maltese/Shih tzu. Even though he's only a small dog, he is very energetic and loves to come jogging with me. In fact he will run 6 kms (with a couple of drink stops)! When he sees me getting my running clothes and shoes on, he gets really excited, so I know he enjoys it! So, I am more than happy to exercise a pet as I enjoy exercise.

I am a home owner myself and I know how to care for and maintain a house, garden and pool. I am very capable of doing all of the above very competently, as I do it all myself at home without assistance. I am an energetic and positive person. I fully appreciate the significance of.leaving your house and pets in the hands of someone, so please be assured that should you entrust your house and friend/s to me, that they will be very well cared for, and that on your return, everything will be just as you left it.

Until we meet,

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