Christine O.

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Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Letzte Aktivität: vor weniger als 10 Tagen
Letzte Aktivität: vor weniger als 10 Tagen

Über Christine O.

70 Jahre alt | Retired Nurse and Counsellor | Als Paar/Duo

Hi, we are Philip and Christine from Melbourne Australia. (And no, we don’t normally say G’day!) Please call us Phil and Chris.
We are mature aged (mid 60s) but believe in the saying that age is “just a number”. Because we started our family (of three sons) in our early twenties, we’ve always been younger parents. So we have never really stopped thinking of ourselves as young, even though the numbers may say differently!
We now also have 2 daughters-in-law and 2 grandchildren in our family. PLUS of course our darling fur-baby Sally the 9 year old Labradoodle. She’s also known as Princess Precious as she is not fond of walking in the rain nor of peeing in long grass!
Chris is the “carer” having spent 30+ years as a nurse. I gave that up after further study and now have an online relationship coaching business. I am looking forward to having some time to write and develop new online coaching programs while we travel in 2018.
Phil is the “geek” in the partnership. This English-born and Aussie-raised boy has spent all his working life in research science, both for private and public enterprises. And no he is not a “mad scientist”, he is surprisingly quite normal! Despite retiring from his job a couple of years ago, Phil has recently been persuaded to return to research part-time, and will be working remotely as we pet-sit in the Northern Hemisphere in 2018.
Why do we want to house sit?
We have come to travel later in life. We made our first trip to the UK Ireland and France in 2011. We have since returned to France and Italy and have also explored some of Canada as well as Alaska and some parts of the USA.
As you probably know, Australia is a long way away from most places! So, when you make that LONG journey you want to make the most of the time! We figure we still have lots to experience before our bodies start ageing and holding us back! So that’s why we want to experience travel differently now. We want to stay for a long time!
Rather than being tourists, and desperately trying to see everything, we want to stop and immerse ourselves in places for more than just a few days! Ideally there’ll be a mix of city and village/rural stays in our house/pet-sitting experiences. Though, we could never be so adventurous as to live off-grid!
We plan to spend about 12 months in 2018-2019 house-sitting in Europe, the UK and Ireland. After that we will need to go home to Oz for a while. We are hoping there might be more grandchi

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Phil, 72 Jahre alt, Mathematician and Research Scientist, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Französisch

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