Julia a.

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Chiang Mai, Chiang Mai, Thailand

Über Julia a.

39 Jahre alt | Teacher

Hello! My partner and I are English teachers in Chiang Mai Thailand. We have both been here for about four years, and started out teaching young children in local schools. While that was wonderdul, we have switched to teaching online from home, allowing us to travel more often and focus on our passions! We are avid rock climbers, gardeners, chefs, and explorers of culture and nature, and we absolutely adore animals. But since we travel a lot, we don't yet want to adopt a pet of our own, only to leave them behind so often. So we are ecstatic at the opportunity to help out and care for other's pets and beautiful homesteads while getting to see another side of the world!

My name is Julia, I am originally from Juneau, Alaska, and my lovely partner is Russell, from Johannesburg, South Africa. We met in Chiang Mai through our love of climbing, and have made a wonderful home here. Chiang Mai is a gorgeous city, but during the hot and smokey summers and part of the rainy season, we like to get out. We aim to visit our families yearly, and want to take the opportunity to explore new countries for a few months at a time to work and have a temporary home base for a refreshing change of pace. And when we leave, we will need someone to come enjoy and care for our beautiful home as well! We are highly responsible people that value a clean and safe house. We are active and healthy, and also homebodies, especially if there is a cute fluffball to hang out with! Please feel free to ask us anything! Hope to connect with you soon!

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Russell, Teacher, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch

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