Jennifer k.

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Victoria, British Columbia, Canada

Letzte Aktivität: vor weniger als 3 Tagen
Letzte Aktivität: vor weniger als 3 Tagen

Über Jennifer k.

56 Jahre alt | Administrative coordinator

Hello! We are Jennifer and Graham, a Canadian couple with a love for animals and a passion for travel! We are an active duo who love the great outdoors, hiking and nature, but also enjoy exploring all the unique treasures that larger cities have to offer!

Spending time with furry four legged friends is the main draw for us! We also love the wide range of opportunities that house sitting offers. Every house sit is a unique experience, each bringing a different element of surprise and a priceless experiences being immersed in a new location and culture.

We hope to bring you peace of mind! Being home owners ourselves we are fully aware of the trust it takes to open your home to strangers. We are a conscientious, responsible, hard working couple. Experienced in home and pet sitting, gardening and general maintenance. Our pet care history includes parenting several dogs and cats over our 27 years together. Jen has 6 years of valuable experience working as a veterinary assistant, giving her a wide range of hands on experience for a multitude of small and large furry creatures.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Graham, 56 Jahre alt, Supervisor, Ehepartner / Partner

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Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Varvara D.

La Hulpe, Belgium - März 2019

Jeniffer and her husband were excellent pet sitters. The house was spotless and the animal super well taken care of. On my return everything was tidy, clean and flowers welcomed me home. I certainly would recommend them!!!

Julien g.

Paris, France - August 2018

It was so great having Jennifer and Graham keeping our home and pets. They are so friendly that it felt like having friend at home and that we sometime forgot why they came in the first place ????. They also are wonderfull pet sitters - our animals were happy as ever when we came back - and perfect house keepers. Our trip back from vacation was quite tiring and coming back home in a tidy appartment with such a warm welcome made us feel very comfortable. I strongly recommend them as an obvious choice for house/pet sitting.

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