Sylvia r.

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Bergen op Zoom, North Brabant, Netherlands

Über Sylvia r.

58 Jahre alt | civil servant

We are a non-smoking, vegetarian couple in our early fifties. We adore cats and love to take care of one or more. We've had a cats all our lives. But since our last one died May 2014 we decided not to have another one. That way travelling is easier, but we do miss them!
Normally we are sailers but we are between boats so an excellent opportunity to explore the world in a different way.
In the summer of 2014 we heard about these pet schemes for the first time. Friends of us have been doing this for the last 10 years and were so enthousiastic about it that we wanted to do this too. Only 2 weeks later we were on our first assignment and we loved it! Since then we have been pet sitting many cats, dogs, fish, guinea-pigs and a tortoise. 3 people already asked us back for second time sitting. This way we can still take care of cats and visit another city at the same time. Perfect combination for us.
Staying in someones house is so much more comfortable than a hotel.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Anthony, 59 Jahre alt, team leader, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Deutsch | Englisch

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