Helen r.

Dieser Benutzer wurde von Nomador als eines der engagiertesten und erfahrensten Mitglieder der Gemeinschaft anerkannt.

Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

Über Helen r.


Hi, I am a mature, single lady who is self-reliant, capable, reliable and honest. I am a fit and healthy non-smoker who loves walking, cycling, swimming and a good day's gardening.
I have been a property and pet owner and can appreciate your concerns about the safety/security of your property and cherished pets. In the past I have owned and maintained a fifty acre rural property and with the aid of my children, cared for every domestic and farm animal, except for sheep! I have owned and sat properties with swimming pools and am quite capable of maintaining them.
I like an orderly environment, whether at home or at work, am house-proud and I am respectful of your privacy. I have been housesitting for nearly five years and have had almost back-to-back sits since Sept. 2013. I possess a police clearance and 15 references from recent and multiple pet and house sits which I can email at your request, as there is no opportunity to load them to this website. Although, Nomador administration have read my references and have awarded me Ambassador status, of which, I am very honoured.
My aim is to housesit my way around Australia and Europe when I retire in 2015.

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