Margret h.

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Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Letzte Aktivität: vor 2 Wochen

Über Margret h.

57 Jahre alt | Chef

Hello! I'm new to Nomador, but I was active on Trusted Housesitters 2015-2017.. Prior to that, I house-sat, and cared for pets (cats, dogs) for short and longer (3-4 month) durations through personal referrals.

In 2009 I sold my home in Canada and went south to Mexico where I spent the majority of each year since, until the pandemic. At that point, I decided to return to Toronto to be close to my ailing mother. In Mexico, I lived in San Miguel de Allende, where I worked as a Personal Chef and caterer, specializing in health recovery and challenges with dietary restrictions (gluten, lactose and various food allergies) In 2017 I moved to Mexico City where I started a social benefit gastronomy tourism project. The pandemic

I'm sure you would like to know what I can offer you as a house-sitter. I have looked after dogs and cats of many different personalities and some fish too (not much personality with them... ) I myself kept chickens at one time, so I can care for those as well.

Adapting and learning about new cultures is something I love to experience. I spoke no Spanish when I arrived in Mexico. I am not fluent, but I am quite functional. I speak a smattering of French and German which can be helpful.

My ex-spouse and i renovated two homes ourselves, so managing a home is not a problem.

Finally, if you have a B& B and would like to keep it running in your absence, I'd love to explore with you how I would be able to help you.

Hope to hear from you!

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Charlotte , 33 Jahre alt, Account Manager - Public Relations , Kind

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch

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